Variety is the Spice of Life!

You’ve had a couple of dates and everything is going well. You like this new person & you think they like you. Your first date was a few drinks in a local pub. Your second date was a meal. Now what? Forget the alcohol & food & really get to know each other! Go for […]

The VIP Package with Chorlton Dating.

If you are looking for marriage then Chorlton Dating’s VIP membership is for you. This is packaged exactly how you want it. You arrange a meeting with Chorlton Dating and tell us what you want. Contact us today for further details.

Your Darkest Secret!

Whatever your age. You’ll have baggage. Whatever the age of your date. They’ll have baggage. But a first date isn’t the time to unload all that baggage. Yes, you might want to be honest, to be up front with your date, especially if you like them. But, bare in mind you might put them off […]

Differences can be good for you!

Have you read the book “My Mum and Dad Make Me Laugh,” by Nick Sharratt. If you’ve not read this book you should do. It’s all about a child’s parents being different. Dad loves stripes. Mum loves spots. It’s the same in my relationship. I’ve been very happily married for over 20 years. And yet […]

Come On! Make an effort!

Imagine the scenario…. You’re single and you’ve got a date tonight. This date is in fact the partner of your dreams. You have one chance to make an effort! What should you do? You already know the answer. You will present the best side of yourself tonight. 100%. You will approach this person with confidence. […]

Would you like a chaperone?

As part of our service at Chorlton Dating we offer a chaperone to accompany you to your date. You decide how you want to use the chaperone. Many people want this service for several different reasons. Contact us for more details.

What kind of date do you want?

We’ve all heard the expression PUNCHING ABOVE YOUR WEIGHT “Punching above your weight” in dating is a term that usually means dating someone who is perceived as being “out of your league.” This idea stems from a self-limiting belief that someone is somehow less attractive, interesting, or successful than their partner. Here’s why this mindset […]

The Importance of Safety

You should be able to enjoy your date & stay safe. Remember you don’t know this person yet, be friendly but don’t give away an personal details. You can always arrange another date. You should arrange another date- it’s too early to judge. Don’t have too much to drink. Meet in the afternoon or early […]

The Biggest Problem With Dating Apps

Lori Gottlieb is an American author who talks on her youtube videos of the biggest problem with Dating Apps. She talks about the need for immediate attraction and how it just isn’t realistic. She talks about the old fashioned way of being friends first, about knowing the person, rather than just judging by digital images […]

Where should we go on our first date?

Here are some great options for a first date, depending on what kind of vibe you want to create: 1. Coffee Shop first date 2. Walk in a Park first date 3. Art Gallery or Museum first date 4. Escape Room first date 5. Bookstore or Record Shop 6. Rooftop Bar or Scenic View Spot […]